Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Family Value #3: Fight for the Heart

Deuteronomy 6:4-9, 20-25

Children must earn our trust. This is a basic idea that we have heard all our lives. We heard it from our parents. It is one of those lines that we repeat to our children instinctively.  “You got to earn my trust” or “I lost my trust in you.” This is an unquestionable truth, children should seek to earn and maintain the trust of their parents. Yet, what if God expects you to earn their trust during their formative years just as much as they are supposed to earn yours. What if a big element of raising our children is earning their trust so that when they become adults, they would know that they can count on us? Let be honest for a second…if you were your child, would you trust you? If you were them, would you trust you to never discipline out of anger, to never break one of your core promises as a parent or to never take things too personally? Beyond the rules, God fights for our hearts. We must do the same, otherwise we risk winning the battle but losing the child.

Talk about the home you grew up in. What was the approach to rules and discipline in your childhood home?

When you think of your childhood, were the rules sometimes sacrificed for the sake of the relationship, or did relationships become secondary to enforcing the rules? How do you think that this has impacted your home, positively or negatively, today?

Would you rather spent a day when your children follow all the rules and behave perfectly or a day when you experience close deep moments in your child relationship with you? Why?

How do you think that God would answer that same question when it comes to us?

How did your parents work to have a close relationship with you? How they failed to do so? How have this affected your relationship?

Read Deuteronomy 6:4-9, 20-25. Can they see the reality of these verses in you? How are you fighting for the heart of your child today?

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