Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Family Value #5 Make It Personal

November 13, 2016
Deuteronomy 6:4-9

When it comes to character and faith, your kids are watching you in a way they might not watch you in other pursuits. Because it is so personal, you can’t do faith and character for your kids. Yet, there’s another factor at work. If it’s not in you, they know it. When it comes to spiritual and character formation, your journey impacts them deeply. If you want them to make church a priority, then you should go. If you want to respect leaders, then watch your attitude. If you want them to be generous, then give freely yourself. If you want them to admit their mistakes, the say you’re sorry. If you want them to pursue God, then get alone with God. If you want it to be in them, it needs to be in you.

What do you remember about your parents’ character that is clearly in you? How do you feel about this?

How is your personal life a great example to your children? How is your personal life not a great example to your children? What can you do about this?

What is a part of your character that you would love to see in your children? What do you want in the character of your children that you must admit is not in your character?

Spend a few moments reflecting on the times in your Christian journey when you felt closest to God. What were you doing or what was happening at the time that made you feel this way?

Talk to your children about the times they feel closest to God. Is it when they pray? When you tuck them in at night? When they are playing outside? When they are at church? Write three times on the family calendar so they can see that investing in your relationship with God is a priority in your family.

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