Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Family Value #4: Create a Rhythm

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 

“Every family has a rhythm. Rhythm is simply how we arrange our time. You don’t have to intent to have one. You don’t have to plan one. Every family, no matter how chaotic or structured, ends up with one. As we go from day to day, we establish and shape a rhythm that in turn shapes our kids. Rhythm in your home shapes your family values. Rhythm can tilt us away from meaningful dialogue or lean us into it. Parents determine what’s normal by the rhythm they establish in their homes. So – and here’s the key question – how normal is God in the rhythm of your home?” – Excerpt from PARENTING BEYOND YOUR CAPACITY.

When you were growing up, what were some of your favorite’s family traditions or routines? What were some of the routines or traditions you didn’t enjoy? Why?

What rhythms and patterns have you developed within your own family today? How did they originate?

What do they say about your family?

Read Deuteronomy 6:4-9 (again), why do you think Moses picked times like morning time, mealtime, traveling time and bedtime?

What can you learn from the experiences that led to your own spiritual growth that might help you more effectively integrate faith into your family life?

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