Monday, November 28, 2016

He Reach Us

November 27, 2016
John 1:10-12

Humanity was lost. God has taken the time to shape dirt from the ground. Breathe life into the lungs of humanity. Take strolls with them in the garden, but all that was not enough to convinced humanity of God’s love for them. When given the option, humanity chose sin. When sin came, the world that the Christ had made with His own hands, could not even recognize Him. His own people would not receive Him. Yet when given the option, God reached for us. The road to the salvation starts with God’s movement towards humanity in the infant Jesus. When everything was lost, Christ reached for us over a gap that even to his day we cannot fully understand.

Have you ever failed to recognize someone that was close to you at one point in time? Or has someone that was close to you at one point in time failed to recognize you? Tell us about it.

Why do you think that “the world did not recognize him?” (John 1:10)

Why do you think that “his own did not received him?” (John 1:11)

How have you received the Christ in your life? What is different?   

What is the status of your relationship with God according to verse 13?

What does it mean to you to be “born of God?”

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