Monday, November 21, 2016

Give Thanks

November 20, 2016
Psalm 106

It is easy to loose perspective. Before we realized we take a detour down “life is hard” boulevard and we join a chorus of complaints. The traffic is slow. The weather is too warm or too cold. Everyone is a hypocrite. We feel justified. What can we possibly be thankful for? Well how about the little things that we take for granted. A warm cup of coffee. A comfortable pillow. These little things remind us of a much bigger truth. No matter how difficult and complicated our life seems to be, God’s love endures forever. When the urgency of now tries to rob you of your perspective, remind yourself that God’s love endures forever. 

Give us your list of little things that you are thankful for? 

What is going in your “now” that takes away your peace?

Have you ever had a friend or family member that quickly forgot everything that you had done for them in a moment of difficulty? How did you feel?  

Psalm 106 give us a list of everything that God did for the people of God, only for them to quickly forget when the moment got hard. When is the last time that you did this? 

How can we balance the urgency of the now with the endurance of God’s love? How can you keep the now in the context of forever? Pick at least one thing.

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