Friday, October 21, 2016

Value # 2 Imagine the End

October 23, 2016
Deuteronomy 6:1-9

Imagine the end. We all get about 956 weeks. That is the amount of weeks from the moment our children are born to the moment they turn eighteen years of age. Whether we understand it or not, this is a season that will inevitably come to an end. So, how would you like the end to be like? Fast-forward to some of the big moments in your children’s future: getting a diploma, getting a first job, getting married, having a child of their own. Picture the scene in your mind. Who is there to celebrate? How are your children participating in this big moment? What have they done to get there? What is happening in the relationships closest to them? What does your relationship with them look like?

What do you think God is most concerned about: what you do, what you acquire, or who you become? How should this affect your approach to parenting?

How does society help or hurt you as you try to focus on the most important things in life? How does Deuteronomy 6 help you stay focused?

What tangible object does your family encounters every day that could serve as a kind of reminder of the limited time that you have with your children at home?

What would you like the character of your child to be as a man or a woman? What are you doing to help them get there? How is this true about their relationship with God?

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