Monday, October 3, 2016


October 2, 2016
Matthew 9:35-38

Perspective is important. Two different people can look at the same reality and see something completely different. One person sees an old clunky car that takes half of the garage, while the other person sees a classic. One person can see a bunch of unruly kids, while the other person sees a great football team. Normally this is not a big deal, except when Jesus sees something one way and we see it another way. This passage hangs on one simple reality: Jesus saw a crowd and had compassion. You and I may see a crowd and see sweat, heat, and a traffic jam. Jesus saw a crowd and saw sheep without a shepherd. Only when we see our community like Jesus sees our community, can we move from inward thinking to outward thinking.

Would you describe yourself as an introvert or an extrovert?

Matthew 9:35 states that “Jesus went through all the towns and villages.” Why do you think that Jesus went to them instead of sitting and waiting for them to come to him?

What do you think that the phrase “sheep without a shepherd” means? Why do you think that Jesus saw them that way?

How do you think that Jesus sees Kissimmee? Why?

How is your perspective of our community different to the perspective of God?

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