Monday, October 10, 2016

Stock Family Syndrome

October 2, 2016
Deuteronomy 6:1-9

Have you ever seen the family pictures that come with picture frames? They look so perfect. Dad has big muscles. Mom’s hair is perfect. The kids are perfectly lined up by order of height with big perfect smiles. Do you want to know what the problem is? They are not real. Not even a little bit. They are paid actors that met each other five minutes before the picture. Family is much messier. We are frustrated every time we compare our real life with their “facebook” / “pinterest” life of someone else. We look at our families and they do not look like the stock picture. Over the next five weeks you will learn five values that will point to a simple single reality that changes it all. No matter how complicated, frustrating and messy the story of your family is, God’s great story of Grace includes your family.

Describe your vision of the “perfect family.” Where did your idea of the perfect family come from? How does your family measure up to your vision?

How does the image of what you think you are supposed to be affect the way you parent your children?

Based on what you learned this week, how does God really feel about your family? How does the way you view God impact the way you view and lead your family?

How have you seen God show up in the happy times of your family? How about in the heartbreaking times?

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