Friday, October 21, 2016

Value # 1 Widen the Circle

October 16, 2016
Deuteronomy 6:1-9

Have you ever felt completely incompetent to the task of raising your child? Have you ever felt like you could not do it alone? There is a reason for this. It is not God’s intention for you to be the only influence in the life of your child. There is much truth to the idea that “it takes a village to raise a child.” We can think about it as three levels that you can use influence the live of your child. Their relationship to you. Their relationship with God. Their relationship with other trusted adults that will invest the life of your child. It mind seem weird at first, but everyone in the church makes a promise in baptism to be just that in the life of your child.

When you were young, was there another adult in your life (besides your parents) who gave you good advice and invested in you in a positive way? What impact did this relationship have on you?

Why does it often feel like you are flying solo as you raise your kids?

What next steps could you take, or what places could you look to widen the circle for your family? How could you and your children begin to experience deeper community?

As an adult, in what young life are you having a direct impact in our faith community? How could be faithful in this area?

How are you connecting your child to a wider circle of influence?

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