Monday, November 28, 2016

Él Nos Alcanzo

27 de noviembre del 2016
Juan 1:10-12

La humanidad estaba perdida. Dios había tomado el tiempo para dar forma al polvo del suelo. Respiro vida en los pulmones de la humanidad. Tomo paseos con ellos en el jardín, pero todo eso no fue suficiente para convencer a la humanidad del amor de Dios por ellos. Cuando se le dio la opción, la humanidad escogió el pecado. Cuando llegó el pecado, el mundo que el Cristo había hecho con Sus propias manos, ni siquiera podía reconocerlo. Su propio pueblo no lo recibiría. Sin embargo, cuando se le dio la opción, Dios busca alcanzarnos. El camino hacia la salvación comienza con el movimiento de Dios hacia la humanidad en el niño Jesús. Cuando todo se perdió, Cristo alcanzó para nosotros una brecha que aún en este día no podemos entender completamente.

¿Alguna vez has fallado en reconocer a alguien que era cercano a usted en un punto dado? ¿O alguien que era cercano a usted en un momento dado no lo reconoció? Comparte.

¿Por qué crees que "el mundo no le reconoció?" (Juan 1:10)

¿Por qué crees que "los suyos no le recibieron?" (Juan 1:11)

¿Cómo has recibido al Cristo en tu vida? ¿Qué es diferente?

¿Cuál es el estatus de su relación con Dios según el versículo 13?

¿Qué significa para usted ser "nacido de Dios?"

He Reach Us

November 27, 2016
John 1:10-12

Humanity was lost. God has taken the time to shape dirt from the ground. Breathe life into the lungs of humanity. Take strolls with them in the garden, but all that was not enough to convinced humanity of God’s love for them. When given the option, humanity chose sin. When sin came, the world that the Christ had made with His own hands, could not even recognize Him. His own people would not receive Him. Yet when given the option, God reached for us. The road to the salvation starts with God’s movement towards humanity in the infant Jesus. When everything was lost, Christ reached for us over a gap that even to his day we cannot fully understand.

Have you ever failed to recognize someone that was close to you at one point in time? Or has someone that was close to you at one point in time failed to recognize you? Tell us about it.

Why do you think that “the world did not recognize him?” (John 1:10)

Why do you think that “his own did not received him?” (John 1:11)

How have you received the Christ in your life? What is different?   

What is the status of your relationship with God according to verse 13?

What does it mean to you to be “born of God?”

Monday, November 21, 2016

Dad Gracias

20 de noviembre del 2016
Salmo 106
Es fácil perder perspectiva. Antes de que nos demos cuenta tomamos un desvío hacia el Calle "La Vida es Dura" y nos unimos al el coro de quejas. El tráfico es lento. El clima es demasiado caliente o demasiado frío. Todo el mundo es un hipócrita. Nos sentimos justificados. ¿Qué tenemos nosotros para ser agradecidos? Qué tal las pequeñas cosas que damos por sentado. Una taza caliente de café. Una almohada cómoda. Estas pequeñas cosas nos recuerdan una verdad mucho más grande. No importa lo difícil y complicado nuestra vida parece ser, el amor de Dios permanece para siempre. Cuando la urgencia del ahora intenta robarle de su punto de vista, recuerda que el amor de Dios permanece para siempre. Pon la urgencia del “ahora” en el contexto de “para siempre.”

¿Denos su lista de cositas de las que estás agradecido?

¿Que esta pasa en tu "ahora" que te quita tu paz?

¿Has tenido alguna vez un amigo o miembro de la familia que rápidamente se olvidó todo lo que había hecho para ellos en un momento de dificultad? ¿Cómo te sentiste?

Salmo 106 nos dan una lista de todo lo que Dios hizo por el pueblo de Dios, sólo para ellos olvidar rápidamente cuando el momento se puso duro. ¿Cuándo es la última vez que hiciste esto? 

¿Cómo podemos equilibrar la urgencia del ahora con la eternidad del amor de Dios? ¿Cómo puedes mantener el ahora en el contexto de “para siempre.”? Escoge al menos una cosa.

Give Thanks

November 20, 2016
Psalm 106

It is easy to loose perspective. Before we realized we take a detour down “life is hard” boulevard and we join a chorus of complaints. The traffic is slow. The weather is too warm or too cold. Everyone is a hypocrite. We feel justified. What can we possibly be thankful for? Well how about the little things that we take for granted. A warm cup of coffee. A comfortable pillow. These little things remind us of a much bigger truth. No matter how difficult and complicated our life seems to be, God’s love endures forever. When the urgency of now tries to rob you of your perspective, remind yourself that God’s love endures forever. 

Give us your list of little things that you are thankful for? 

What is going in your “now” that takes away your peace?

Have you ever had a friend or family member that quickly forgot everything that you had done for them in a moment of difficulty? How did you feel?  

Psalm 106 give us a list of everything that God did for the people of God, only for them to quickly forget when the moment got hard. When is the last time that you did this? 

How can we balance the urgency of the now with the endurance of God’s love? How can you keep the now in the context of forever? Pick at least one thing.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Family Value #5 Make It Personal

November 13, 2016
Deuteronomy 6:4-9

When it comes to character and faith, your kids are watching you in a way they might not watch you in other pursuits. Because it is so personal, you can’t do faith and character for your kids. Yet, there’s another factor at work. If it’s not in you, they know it. When it comes to spiritual and character formation, your journey impacts them deeply. If you want them to make church a priority, then you should go. If you want to respect leaders, then watch your attitude. If you want them to be generous, then give freely yourself. If you want them to admit their mistakes, the say you’re sorry. If you want them to pursue God, then get alone with God. If you want it to be in them, it needs to be in you.

What do you remember about your parents’ character that is clearly in you? How do you feel about this?

How is your personal life a great example to your children? How is your personal life not a great example to your children? What can you do about this?

What is a part of your character that you would love to see in your children? What do you want in the character of your children that you must admit is not in your character?

Spend a few moments reflecting on the times in your Christian journey when you felt closest to God. What were you doing or what was happening at the time that made you feel this way?

Talk to your children about the times they feel closest to God. Is it when they pray? When you tuck them in at night? When they are playing outside? When they are at church? Write three times on the family calendar so they can see that investing in your relationship with God is a priority in your family.