Sunday, January 3, 2021

Living the Celebration


January 3, 2021

Ephesians 1:3-14

We’re wrapping up Christmas this week. Some may have already packed everything away; others may still be sitting in the glow of the lights and tinsel. But the goal isn’t to shuffle it all away, but rather to embrace the fullness of the community that we have become – incorporating the new but becoming one in Christ.

It is not, however, about self-congratulations that we gather. Yes, indeed we are blessed. But we are blessed in order to bless the source of blessing. Paul tells us that the gift we have received, the gift of new life, is so that we might live for the praise of God’s glory. That’s what this worship experience is about – praising God. Yes, of course, every worship service includes praise. But this week, praise is the beginning and the end. And in the heart is the call to praise, to a life of praise.

Notice the repetition of the phrases “in Christ,” “in him,” “through Jesus [Christ],” and “on Christ.” What do we learn about Christ from this passage?

Notice that we have been “blessed” (v. 3). What do we learn about humanity from this passage? 

Which of these speak most deeply to you as you seek to live the celebration of the company who have come?

How might you live in celebration of the hope we have in Christ this coming year?

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