Thursday, January 21, 2021

From Face to Face to Heart to Heart

 Matthew 28:16-20

January 24, 2021  

The church has a clear rhythm that becomes evident in the gospels. The church is in a constant movement from gathered to scattered. Jesus calls the disciple unto him for teaching, shaping and mentoring, only to send them out in ministry and outreach. Therefore it should be no surprise to us that at the end of the process of discipleship we find the same reality that we found at the of Jesus’ ministry on earth: a send off and commission. Jesus called unto himself at a designated time and space to once again send them out: Go and Make Disciples. In the same manner, at the center of our discipleship process as a church we find a heart to heart experience. We take on the heart of God for the mission of the church.  

Do you remember the last words that you heard from a loved one? What do they mean to you?  

Why do you think it was important for Jesus to have a determined time and space to have this last moment with the disciples? 

Are you surprised by the fact that some doubted or do you think it was to be expected? Why? 

What do you think that Jesus means with the phrase “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me?”  

Why is it so critical for the church to be constantly on the “go?” What does it gain when it is going? What does it lose when it stays? 

How have you seen Jesus been with you as you go to make disciples? 

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