Sunday, January 17, 2021

From Shoulder to Shoulder to Face to Face

Hebrews 10:24-25

January 17, 2021

To “spur one another” is an interesting concept to say the least. The Greek word transliterated “paroxysmon” means to produce short term discomfort in order to stimulate movement or growth. It works well with animals, but it does not sound fun for humans. Yet, this is exactly the process that the author of Hebrews is trying to invite us to participate in. It may be tedious, difficult, and at times, down right, painful but we all need others to “spur” us into spiritual growth. Others need us to do the same. Christianity is not a solo sport. Group participation is always required.  

What is one thing that you know you do better because those around you that you could not do on your own?  

What do you think that the author of Hebrews means with the phrase “let us consider” in this context? 

Some Christians tend to see Christianity as strictly a private affair between God and I. The expression “one another” appears twice in these verses. What does that tell us about the author’s view of Christianity? How do we manage the balance between private and community in the context of spiritual growth?

What is an example of how others may have spurred you or you may have spurred others toward love and good deeds?  

It sounds that failing to meet on a face to face basis has been a struggle from the beginning of the Christian movement. Why do you think that this is the case? Why is this the case for you and how can we help you? 

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