Thursday, December 24, 2020

Welcoming the Guest


December 24, 2020  

Luke 2:8-20

What a feeling of celebration, what a joy that all this anticipation has come to a kind of fruition. There is no question that change in the world comes around us because of this event. Transformation always takes longer than we think it should. And it often begins with something small, a new vision, a stronger hope, a baby in a manger. Something small that will change everything. 

What was the last news that you heard that you couldn’t wait to share with someone else?

What did you see, hear or smell in the scriptures that causes you joy? Anything that causes you distress or makes you ask questions?

Why do you think that the shepherds are the ones chosen to receive this message? 

What is the relationship between Heaven and Earth on verse 14? Why is this important? 

What do you think the shepherds did the day after this great night? What you would have done? 

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