Sunday, December 20, 2020

Waiting on the Threshold

December 20, 2020

2 Chronicles 7:1-3Luke 1:26-38

God wants his home in your home, in the living rooms and kitchens and playrooms and bedrooms of your life. God calls to us at Christmas and says, “Greetings, favored ones! I’m coming home, coming home for Christmas. Is there room for me in your crowded, busy lives? Is there room for me?” And like any baby born in our midst, he says, “I won’t take up much room, just all that you have. Is there room for me? I’m coming home.” And off to the side, almost out of our vision, an angel waits for our answer.

What do we learn about Mary from this passage? 

What do we learn about God from this passage? 

Why is part of the Christmas message that nothing is impossible for God?

God offered Mary a great privilege and asked for a great sacrifice. What privilege is God offering you today and what sacrifice is God asking for you? 

What are your hopes for this Christmas?

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