Sunday, December 13, 2020

Deck the Halls

December 13, 2020

Isaiah 61:1-4   

God comes to people who are desperate and tells them to decorate? It doesn’t seem right. It doesn’t seem enough. Decorations are nice and all, but they hardly serve to make things better. They hardly can be counted on to change the world. Can they? Why do we bother, in the end? Are we just shouting in the darkness? Well, yes, in a way. But shouting in the darkness is a noble profession. It is a calling. When we shout, when we decorate our homes and our churches, we are not saying that we are unaware of difficulties, we are not saying that we are oblivious to bad news, but we are saying that we choose to live by good news. We are saying that we choose to live by hope and not despair.

Have you ever had a Christmas decoration disaster? Share. 

In a period of darkness, Isaiah points to the light. The season of Advent also occurs during a period of literal darkness, as our daylight hours are getting shorter. More than mere positive thinking, we are trusting the faithfulness of God, which is the basis of our hope. How are you experiencing hope this Advent season? 

What does it look like to choose to live by hope and not despair?

As we decorate, we wait. How is Advent a time of active waiting? 

What are other ways we can actively wait and be a witness to the one who will come and restore righteousness?


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