Sunday, May 17, 2020

Walking in the Desert

May 17, 2020

We have all lived it. We listen to someone who talks about something we have experienced and we say to ourselves: “That person knows what they are talking about.” It is not necessarily the facts alone, but it is a feeling that that person has experienced the same as me. Matthew wants you to see that in Jesus. Just as we are all tempted, Jesus was tempted. Just as the people of Israel walked the desert for 40 years, Jesus walked it for 40 days. Jesus does not see his position as one to avail himself of as an excuse not to experience our tribulations and difficulties. Jesus knows the In Between, because Jesus has been there and won. He knows our temptations because he has lived them and triumphed over them. For that reason He is worthy of your trust.
When was the last time someone else’s In-Between experience was useful to you in your life?
What do temptations have in common? How are they different? What do Jesus’ answers have in common? How are they different?
On two different occasions the devil uses the phrase: “If you are the Son of God.” What do you think the devil is trying to achieve using this phrase? Why do you think Jesus seems to ignore the phrase both times?
What phrase would the tempter use in your personal life in the phrase “If you are ...?” What would be your answer?
Which of Jesus’ answers could you use at this point in your life and why?

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