Sunday, May 24, 2020

I will Fear No Evil

May 24, 2020

The tendency for many of us is to think of Psalm 23 only in the context of funerals. And while this may be an appropriate expression of faith, the reality is that the psalm has much more to tell us about how we live our lives now. The psalm begins with a statement that is not open for discussion: "The Lord is my shepherd." Everything the psalm has to teach us is based on this complex reality presented in the simplest form. Within this image of the relationship between sheep and shepherd we find our absolute trust in a God who has consistently shown himself capable of taking care of us even in the most difficult times.

"The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing" is the main idea that shapes the entire psalm. In your opinion, what is the best evidence of this idea presented in the rest of the psalm?

The first half of the psalm speaks of God in the second person (He guides me, he leads me). The second half of the psalm speaks of God in the first person (Your rod, You have anointed). Why do you think this is the case? What is the psalmist trying to teach us?

What has been a valley of the shadow of death in your life? How has God proven himself faithful in the middle of the valley?

How the rod and the staff have been a blessing in your life?

Verse 5 speaks of situations where the psalmist receives more than is necessary. What does this tell you about the relationship between the psalmist and God?

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