Sunday, May 3, 2020

No Shortcuts

May 3, 2020
The perfect opportunity was there. Everything was set up for him. Everyone saw it. Only God would have set it up this way, right? David has been waiting for years while running away from the king. Moving from cave to cave, eating what he could find.  Waiting in the shadows for the day that he would live up to the anointing he received from God through the hands of Samuel. All David had to do is kill Saul. Perfect, right?! Not so fast. There is this little detail of killing the anointed men of God. Whether David likes it or not, Saul was the anointed of God. He was still the king. To kill Saul was to go against everything that David stood for. To kill Saul was to abandon the values that had made the leader he was. David chose to grow in character as opposed to cut corners because sometimes the best way to move forward is choosing to stay in the in-between when everyone says to get out.

Could you list at least three values that guide your life? Have you ever been presented with a great opportunity that went against at least one of these values? What did you do? Why?

What would have done if you were David? What you would have said if you were one of David’s friends? 

What do you think is the main reason that prevented David from killing Saul? What did David gain by not killing him? What would you have lost if you had killed him?

What makes an opportunity “perfect” in the eyes of God? How that definition differs from the one in society in general? How about your definition?

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