Saturday, May 30, 2020

From Fear to Faith in Chaos

May 31, 2020

This is one of those stories from the Bible that is very familiar to us. Knowing the end of the story can lead us to belittle the situation of the disciples. The Bible makes it clear that the water was already entering the boat. Some of the disciples were experts in marine navigation, and even they were desperate! Their lives were in danger. This really was chaos in the middle of the sea, but even under these circumstances the presence of God changes everything.

When was the last time you were in a situation that was really dangerous or chaotic? What was going through your mind? How did you get out of the situation?

What does the disciples’ question in Mark 4:38 tell us about how they were interpreting Jesus' behavior?

What does verse 41 teach us about the disciples' level of understanding regarding who Jesus was?

What does this passage have to teach us about our current situation? How does our understanding of who Jesus is change our perception of the current situation?

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