Sunday, November 8, 2020

This I Believe: Holiness

November 8, 2020

2 Peter 1:3-8

We live in an instant world. The coffee is not brewing for half an hour. The popcorn is not heated in the stove for half-hour in a ball of aluminum. We have no need to go to the other side of the house to answer the phone. However, in the midst of an instant world, holiness is a process. Holiness is the slow, consistent and sometimes tedious process by which a sinner acquires the values, perspectives, and actions of Christ through the Holy Spirit's work in their lives. A person who was not concerned in the least bit in God, now deeply desires to live their life imitating Christ. Christ paid the price for our salvation, but to stay there without taking the opportunity given to us to restore every aspect of our life is to settle for less than what God offers us in Christ. Our pursuit of holiness is the natural reaction to what God has done for you.

What activity took a large amount of time in your childhood that is now almost immediate?

Why is it so important to Peter that we know that God “has given us all the things we need to live as God intended” (v. 3)?

What is one change you have seen in your values, perspectives and actions since you have sought to have a deep relationship with God?

Be honest, how patient you are with the changes God is doing in your life?

Read the ladder of spiritual maturity (holiness) Peter provides in 1 Peter 1:5-6. Where are you on that ladder?

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