Sunday, November 22, 2020

Give Thanks

November 22, 2020


"What do I have to be thankful for?" For many of us this is going to be a difficult question to answer in our minds and spirits as this coming Thursday draws near. This year has clearly been an extremely difficult one for most in our community and around the world. Ezra offers us an answer that is simple enough in content, but profound in meaning: God is good. God, the one who created out of nothing and has been faithful through generations, is still good. The testimony of the founding of the temple upon returning from exile serves as a testimony that no matter how difficult a season is, God's love endures forever. 

Write a list of three things you are thankful for. 

The Jews had returned to their land for the first time in more than 70 years of exile. Many of those present had never seen the original temple. For the first time in seven decades it is being celebrated in what will at some point be a temple. What would go through your mind at that moment if you were there? How would you feel?

What do you think that the phrase "God is good; His great love for Israel endures forever” means to them at that time? 

Why do you think the elderly cried while the younger ones screamed in joy? In which group do you think you would have been? Why?

The establishment of the temple foundation served as a reminder that God was faithful even in difficult times. What is your temple foundation (reminder) in the midst of this difficult time?

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