Saturday, October 31, 2020

This I Believe: Justification


November 1, 2020  

Romans 5:6-10

To understand what Christ did for you, you have to understand where you were. You have to understand that you had no chance to be restored on your own strength. You were lost and without hope. NO HOPE. Many of us want to sit at the table as if we still had negotiating power. Salvation is not a client negotiating with the car dealer for cheaper financing. Salvation is more like calling a friend who you have long ignored at 4 in the morning with a broken car and the friend gives you a new car. Even when you were weak, Christ died for you. That is the miracle of justification. Despite our illusions, this is not a negotiation between two equal parties; rather it is a restoration which is completely undeserved. Jesus just does it for love. 
You can not understand what you have (or is offered) if you do not understand where you were (or are). Take a minute and write a paragraph describing where you were (or are) when Jesus offered you be justified. 
Paul describes the time that Jesus comes into our lives as the “right time." How is this true in your life? 

What are the three biggest differences in your life now that Christ has justified you? 


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