Monday, October 26, 2020

This I Believe: The Holy Spirit

October 25, 2020

John 16:7-14

As parents many times we fall into a zone of repeating ourselves over and over. We have repeated the same thing to our children so many times that they no longer listen to us. Then someone comes along and says the same thing we have said for years and they react as if they had never heard it. "The youth pastor said that lying affects our relationships with others." (Really!) "The team coach told me that I had to work hard to be successful in life." (Do not tell me!). The role of the Holy Spirit is similar in a way: the Holy Spirit reveals deep down in our lives what Jesus taught us. It is not the same to speak of forgiving in general as opposed to specifically forgiving those who have hurt us. We can all follow Jesus in general, but the Spirit walks with us in specifics.

When was the last time you tried to teach something to someone who was not ready to learn?

What would you have thought if you were one of the disciples listening to verse 7 from the mouth of Jesus? How do you think the disciples reacted to hearing this?

How do you see the Holy Spirit working in your life? To what specific areas in your life is the Spirit applying what Jesus taught us in general?

How has the Holy Spirit convicted you of sins in your personal life? How is the Holy Spirit convicting you right now?

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