Saturday, February 24, 2018

God Helps Those That Help Themselves

February 25, 2018
Psalm 18:6-16

"God Helps Those That Help Themselves" sounds like something fair and appropriate. For that reason, it should not surprise us that this is the phrase we most confuse as one of the Ten Commandments. The phrase seems to communicate that you have to do your part in a minimal way for God to help you in your situation, and on the contrary, if you do not provide a small amount of help, God will not help you. This sounds true primarily because God give us a spirit of self-control, but the reality is that the Bible gives us an overwhelming number of occasions when God helps us even when we could not help ourselves, most evidently in Christ Jesus.

What do people mean when they use this statement? Under what circumstances do people use this phrase the most?

Have you ever been in a situation that you felt helpless to alleviate or stop? Explain.

How would you describe the amount of work God is doing in Psalm 18:6-16? How have you seen this in your life? How do you need to see this in your life right now?

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