Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Finishing What We Started

February 11, 2018

God opposes the proud. Why? Simply pride is not willing to see its own situation for what it really is. Pride blinds us from our own sin always presenting a distorted perspective of reality. By distorting reality, it becomes impossible for us to understand the consequences of our sin, much less achieve repentance. The prideful prefers to blame the whole world before examining himself and that's why grace becomes so close but so far away. On the contrary, James invites us to humble ourselves before God.

Tell us about an occasion when someone close to you saw a completely different situation from the rest of the people. (Ex. A joke that nobody found funny.)

We doubt that James is against planning in advance, therefore exactly what he is trying to denounce in verses 13-14. Explain.
What makes the attitude in verse 15 so different from that of verses 13-14?

When was the last time you made a plan without counting on God and then you wanted God to bless it?

How well do you know what you should do and have not done it?

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