Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Finishing What We Started

February 4, 2018

Most Christians are educated far beyond their point of obedience. It is not enough to simply listen to the Word of God. It is not enough that we memorize our favorite verses. It is not enough that we have a knowledge of the word, it is necessary that we put it into practice. It is necessary that our lives demonstrate the evidence of the gospel in us. Do not settle for just one part, end in actions what you started in knowledge.

Have you ever met someone who clearly does not preach? Explain. How did you feel about that person?

Why is it so easy for us to listen and not obey? What do we get out of hearing and not obeying?

Read verse 25. How does the perfect law of God give us freedom?

What part of the Word do you know well, do you know that you should obey and yet you do not? Why?

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