Monday, August 14, 2017


August 13, 2017
Luke 4:38-39, 5:1-11

For many years, churches thought of “witnessing” as a process by which we give those outside the church information that they didn’t have about God. Therefore for many decades “witnessing” was about equipping the church with a air tight arguments that would leave people with no option but to follow Christ. The more you knew, the better you were about presenting your argument, the better witness you were. That is no longer the case, the reality is that it was barely the case back then. People have access to all the information they could want in the palm of their hand. Instead of knowledge, witnessing is about relationships. We are called to relationally invest in the lives of others and invite them to a relationship with God. No one cares about what you have to say unless they know you care about them.

Who in your life is close to you but far from God?

Clearly Peter had more experience fishing than a carpenter. Why do you think that Peter follows Jesus instructions nonetheless?

How do you see Peter’s relationship with Jesus progress in these verses and throughout the New Testament?

How could you invest relationally in the lives of those around you?

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