Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Greeting Cards Prayers

July 30, 2017
Acts 13:22, Psalm 17:1, 22:1-2, 28:1
If someone asked you to pray out loud right now, what would you do? Chances are you’d probably get a little nervous. Maybe you even feel that way when you’re just praying quietly by yourself! Sometimes the idea of just talking to God can feel a little weird for all us. We don’t know what to say or how to say it, and we worry that maybe we’re just not praying the right way. So we try to say the things we think we’re supposed to say, but it leaves our prayers feeling fake and formal. But what if we told you that’s not the way prayer was supposed to be? In fact, that’s not even the way God wants it to be! This week we’ll look at the prayers of one of God’s most beloved followers—David. And as we hear his prayers, we’ll see that God doesn’t want our prayers to be right; He wants them to be real.

Why is it scary to pray out loud?

David talked to God in a real, raw, and authentic way. Is that appealing to you, or does it make you nervous? Why?

If you were God, how would you want your children to talk with you?

If you started regularly praying real prayers, how do you think it would change you?

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