Wednesday, August 30, 2017


August 27, 2017
2 Corinthians 5:16-21

Our Church should be a prototype of what Kissimmee should be in Christ. Just as the prototype of a building, park or project, we should be able to point to a coming reality by our actions (Kingdom of God).  We are called to be a living presentation to which society is being reconciled to. In other words, the people of Kissimmee should be able to look at us and be able to point to us and say “that is what community should look like.” In doing that, we reconciled what our community is to what it should be. That is the ministry that Christ committed to us. Instead of pointing at the faults of the other side, Christ, completely innocent, took on the faults of the other side onto Himself in order to be reconciled with us. 

What do you think it means to see someone from a “worldly point of view?”

According to verse 19, the way that Christ reconciled the world to himself was by “not counting people’s sins against them.” How do you see that in our ministry of reconciliation as a church? How do you see that in your own ministry of reconciliation?

Verse 20 states that “God [is] making his appeal through us. What appeal is the presence of our church making to our community? What appeal is your life making to those around you? 

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