Monday, August 7, 2017

To Make Disciples

August 6, 2017 

John 13:31-35, Matthew 28:16-20 
What is the purpose of the church? Why are we here? Simply stated, to make disciples. Our mission as a church is “to create disciples through witness, service and reconciliation in our neighborhoods and around the world.” That is our understanding of our Great Commission, our purpose, our goal. Jesus did His part. His sacrifice on the cross and resurrection made it so that “all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to” him. We are accountable to our part, to “go and make disciples.” This is the reason that God planted this specific church in this specific corner of Kissimmee. So, how are we doing?

Tell us about the last time that you help disciple someone. What was your impact? How did it affect your own spiritual maturity?

If you were to evaluate our church in relationship to our mission, what grade would you give us? Why?

Read Matthew 28:17. Why do you think that even at this point there still some doubt in the mind of the disciples?

How the fact that Jesus has received “all authority” affect our mission as a church?

Which do you think is most difficult for our church: the going or the making?

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