Wednesday, August 23, 2017


August 20, 2017
Mark 10:35-45

One of the most difficult changes in perspective that the 12 disciples went through was from being all about them to being all about others. We are no different. We often come to church with a focus on what we can get from church. Just take a moment to think about this scenario. Jesus is talking about the most difficult moment that He will face in his ministry and He gets interrupted by a selfish question about power. Clearly, James and John did not care for the mission. Jesus’ answer is still the same to this day: “Not so with you.” That is not what we are about, we are about serving others. A service posture is not only a commandment by Christ, but it gives integrity to the mission of our church.

How has service played a role in your spiritual journey?

Why do you think James and John had missed the mark so badly? How does a disciple fall into that trap?

How could you serve in and out of the church? Where could you serve the mission of the church?

We stated that service “gives integrity to the mission of our church.”  Do you agree or disagree?  Why?

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