Wednesday, August 30, 2017


August 27, 2017
2 Corinthians 5:16-21

Our Church should be a prototype of what Kissimmee should be in Christ. Just as the prototype of a building, park or project, we should be able to point to a coming reality by our actions (Kingdom of God).  We are called to be a living presentation to which society is being reconciled to. In other words, the people of Kissimmee should be able to look at us and be able to point to us and say “that is what community should look like.” In doing that, we reconciled what our community is to what it should be. That is the ministry that Christ committed to us. Instead of pointing at the faults of the other side, Christ, completely innocent, took on the faults of the other side onto Himself in order to be reconciled with us. 

What do you think it means to see someone from a “worldly point of view?”

According to verse 19, the way that Christ reconciled the world to himself was by “not counting people’s sins against them.” How do you see that in our ministry of reconciliation as a church? How do you see that in your own ministry of reconciliation?

Verse 20 states that “God [is] making his appeal through us. What appeal is the presence of our church making to our community? What appeal is your life making to those around you? 


27 de agosto del 2017
2 Corintios 5:16-21
Nuestra Iglesia debe ser un prototipo de lo que Kissimmee debe ser en Cristo. Al igual que el prototipo de un edificio, parque o proyecto, debemos ser capaces de apuntar por nuestras acciones a una realidad que viene (Reino de Dios) y que ya está aquí. Estamos llamados a ser una presentación viva a la cual la sociedad ha sido reconciliada. En otras palabras, la gente de Kissimmee debe poder mirarnos y ser capaz de señalarnos y decir "eso es lo que debería ser la comunidad". Al hacer eso, reconciliamos lo que nuestra comunidad es a lo que debería ser. Ese es el ministerio que Cristo nos ha encomendado. En lugar de señalar las faltas del otro lado, Cristo, completamente inocente, asumió las faltas del otro lado sobre Él mismo para reconciliarse con nosotros.

¿Qué crees que significa ver a alguien desde un "punto de vista mundano?"

Según el versículo 19, la manera en que Cristo reconcilió el mundo con él fue "no contando los pecados de la gente contra ellos". ¿Cómo ves eso en nuestro ministerio de reconciliación como iglesia? ¿Cómo ve usted en su propio ministerio de reconciliación?

El versículo 20 dice que "Dios está haciendo su llamamiento a través de nosotros". ¿Qué atractivo tiene la presencia de nuestra iglesia en nuestra comunidad? ¿Qué atractivo tiene tu vida a los que te rodean?

Wednesday, August 23, 2017


August 20, 2017
Mark 10:35-45

One of the most difficult changes in perspective that the 12 disciples went through was from being all about them to being all about others. We are no different. We often come to church with a focus on what we can get from church. Just take a moment to think about this scenario. Jesus is talking about the most difficult moment that He will face in his ministry and He gets interrupted by a selfish question about power. Clearly, James and John did not care for the mission. Jesus’ answer is still the same to this day: “Not so with you.” That is not what we are about, we are about serving others. A service posture is not only a commandment by Christ, but it gives integrity to the mission of our church.

How has service played a role in your spiritual journey?

Why do you think James and John had missed the mark so badly? How does a disciple fall into that trap?

How could you serve in and out of the church? Where could you serve the mission of the church?

We stated that service “gives integrity to the mission of our church.”  Do you agree or disagree?  Why?