Saturday, February 13, 2021

Serve: Do you promise to serve Him as your Lord?


February 14, 2021

John 13:12-17 

If we listen closely, this deeper calling to serve God and our neighbors in real, concrete ways echoes in our baptismal vows. We are called to confess Christ as our savior and put our whole trust in his grace and then we promise to serve him as our Lord. If Christ is Lord, then our schedule and finances and politics and allegiances must look like we actually believe he is the truth and the life. If Jesus is Lord, then his way of living—upsetting the status quo, fighting for the oppressed, feeding those who are hungry, giving attention to those who would otherwise go unnoticed—should be the model for ours. We are not simply freed from our old ways, we are freed for pursuing God’s ways right now. 

So, what has God freed you for? Where is God nudging you to see differently and serve wholeheartedly? Where is God asking you to join in the work of liberating those held captive or loosening the yoke of oppression?  

Read John 13 and the story of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet. What do you feel as Jesus stoops down and picks up your feet to wash them? 

What difference, if any, is there between “confessing Jesus as Savior and Lord” and “promising to serve Jesus as Lord?” 

How does serving Jesus as Lord change the way we relate to other people?  

How hard must it have been for Jesus to wash Judas’ or Peter’s feet? What does this promise to serve mean for those who might betray you? 

What does a servant church look like today?

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