Sunday, February 21, 2021

Open: Do you promise to serve in union with the Church which Christ has opened?


February 21, 2021

Romans 15:5-13

The book of Romans tackles the conflicts between Christian Jews and Christian Gentiles in the church of Rome. The Jews were the founders of the church that were returning to the community after a time of persecution by the emperor had ended. The Gentiles were the ones that had kept the church running and thriving during the absence of the founding leadership. The conflicts were painfully obvious. Who can eat meat? Where should it come from? Who can get married to whom? Open is an idea that we all seem to like on the surface, but that it often requires much more than we think.  

Define the word “open” in relation to the church.  

How open is the church today according to that definition?  

What does Paul mean with the phrase “same attitude of mind?” 

On verses 9-12 we get three different quotations from the Old Testament. What do you think was their purpose? Why are these quotes important?  

What does it mean to serve in union with the church?  

How do the words such as grace and service create the open church of Jesus?  

What does a church opened by Christ look like and feel like? What is its purpose? 

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