Sunday, February 28, 2021

All: Do you believe that Christ has opened the church to people of all ages, nations, and races?

February 28, 2021  

We answer this question with a resounding “yes!” in theory. Simple, all means all. The church should be open to people of all ages, nations and races. Reality is a bit trickier. We assume that grace is offered to others only to a degree to which we are comfortable. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The Pharisees could not understand why Jesus would give the time of day to “tax collectors and sinners.” Jesus saw it as central to his Kingdom. Jesus offers grace to others well beyond my own sense of comfort. 

What does the word all mean in relation to the church? How have we fallen short of being for “all” as a church?  

Why do we put limits on what “all” truly means? What is it in our human nature that wants to limit “all”?  

Why do you believe that the Pharisees and the teachers of the law had such a problem with Jesus welcoming and eating with Tax collectors and sinners? 

How are you like the Pharisees and the teachers of the law? How are you like the Tax collectors and sinners? 

When you read Luke 15 as a whole, what does it tell you about God?  

When we limit “all” what does that tell the world about God?

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