Sunday, April 26, 2020

There goes Plan A!

April 26, 2020

When was the last time you realized that your plans were ruined? Things just weren't going to work as you expected. You thought that with a little effort and work you could achieve it and stay on track. However, it's just not going to happen. That is a difficult time. Sometimes it includes tears, other times words that we don't want to repeat here. We have all been there one way or another. We have all been faced with the reality that our beloved Plan A simply was not going to work. We thought that life was a straight line between "potential" and "success," but it just doesn't work that way. That was Joseph's story. An episode that started with his dreams of becoming the boss, ends with him being beaten and alone in an empty cistern listening to his brothers arguing about what to do with his corpse. Joseph had to make a decision: naively hold on to Plan A and become bitter, or trust God and surrender to what God was teaching him during the "in between."
When was the last time that you realized that a given situation was not going to work like you expected? How did you feel?

According to Genesis 37, what are some of the factors that cause Joseph to end up in the bottom of the cistern? How many of those were under Joseph’s control? 
Put yourself in the place of Joseph down in the cistern, what are you thinking as you hear your brothers work out their plans? How are you feeling? What is your attitude?

Joseph went from great dreams of the future to the bottom of hole in a short time. What part of your dreams have been affected “in a short time” by our current situation? What do you have to learn from Joseph? 
How is this situation helping Joseph to become the leader that he would eventually become? What lessons can he take from this situation?

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