Thursday, April 16, 2020

Hunker Down

April 19, 2020

The Israelites had spent forty years going in circles by the time they arrived at the Deuteronomy’s narrative. We will see how the future will take them into the promise land under the leadership of Joshua. Yet, at the present time of Deuteronomy, they were somewhere in between Moab and the Jordan River...We think. Now, we think because the geographical description given in this passage is confusing at best. It sounds a lot like someone trying to give you directions to the middle of nowhere. It is confusing because they were in-between one place and the next, but not quite anywhere. Yet, it is precisely in that place that God instructs Moses to revisit the covenant between God and the people of Israel once again.

When is the last time that you heard a child ask you, “are we there yet?” Where were you? Where were you going?

Give an example of when you have needed a law explained to you—either an ancient or a current law.
Why would God ask Moses to review the Covenant for a second time at this point in time? Why not have this conversation over the last 40 years?
What do you think would have been your attitude and receptiveness to a review of the Law if you were with Moses at this time?
How do these circumstances speak to our current reality? As a society? As an individual?

What would they lose as soon as they cross the Jordan? What would they gain?

If a future version of you was reflecting on this moment five years in the future, what advice do you think would give yourself?

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