Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Crucifixion

April 5, 2020
Mark 15:25-39

“Throughout the Gospels, Jesus refers to himself as the Son of Man, a title pointing to his role as “representative human being.” He was God in the flesh, revealing God to us; but he was also fully human, representing a new humanity that reflected what we were meant to be as human beings. In this capacity, he became our priest and intercessor with God. He offered a sacrifice to God to atone for humanity’s sin, to reconcile us with the Father. He offered not a goat or a bull, but himself as the Son of Man and as our high priest. In essence, he said, “Father, for these creatures, so small, so broken, so easily lured into hurting one another, for these men and women who do evil to one another and turn their backs on you—for them I offer myself to you to atone for their sins.”

(Excerpt from 24 Hours That Changed The World by Adam Hamilton)

Besides Jesus, when has someone done a great sacrifice for you? How did it make you feel?

What do you think is going through Jesus’ mind as he states “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” What emotions and thoughts are present at this moment? 

Read verses 27-32. How the fact that Jesus was only a couple feet from the ground, and almost eye to eye with those around him, changes your perception of this moment? What do you hear? How do you respond?

How do you think that the sacrifice of Jesus at the cross restores your relationship with God? 

Peter declared Jesus as “Messiah” in Mark 8:27-38. Caiaphas declared Jesus as the “son of God” in Mark 14:61. Pilate declared Jesus to be “King of Jews” in Mark 15:2. In light of this context, how do you understand the words of the Roman soldier declaring “Surely this man was the Son of God!” (Mark 15:39)? What moment led you to declare Jesus as the Lord of your life?

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