Friday, February 1, 2019

WE ARE United

We Are United
February 3, 2019
1 Corinthians 12:12-20

For many unity equals sameness. Everyone must look the same, talk the same, and walk the same. Yet, it is clear that Paul had a different view of unity within the church. Corinth was an extremely diverse commerce focused city. People from all over the known world lived in Corinth and were a part of the church. Whether they were migrant Jews or Gentiles from all the Roman Empire or whether they were slaves serving under oppression or free Roman citizens, they were all one interdependent body unified by their experience of salvation in Christ.   

What is the most diverse group that you have ever belonged to? How was your experience? 

As Paul makes a case for unity in diversity, what are some of the shared experiences that unified the church?

According to Paul in this verse, what are some of the strengths provided by diversity within the body?

What are some of the challenges that diversity brings to our church? What are some of the strengths that diversity brings to our church?

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