Thursday, February 14, 2019

We Are Forgiving

February 10, 2019 
Ephesians 4:29-32

Forgiving is rare in our society. Most of us seek to pay eye for an eye. We say things like “I forgive but I do not forget,” which usually means that you did not forgive at all. We seek to even the score at all cost. We are called to be different. While others keep score, we are called to give up even malice. Where society uses suspicion and mistrust, we are called to use compassion and kindness. All of it based on simple but powerful truth. We are to forgive, as Christ forgave us. As Christ is, We Are.

When is the last time that someone forgave you or you forgave someone?

What do you think it means to “grieve the Holy Spirit?” What consequences do you think this could have?

What would you say is the different between unwholesome and wholesome talk in the life of the church?

Where do you believe that the Holy Spirit is calling you to be more kind, compassionate and forgiving?

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