Saturday, February 23, 2019

WE ARE Humble

February 17, 2019
Romans 12:3-8

Paul gives us a very clear framework for humbleness. Think of yourself with sober judgement. In other words, have a clear understanding of who you really are. The problem is that this can be quite difficult at times. Our tendency is to only look at reality only from our perspective. We generously give ourselves the benefit of the doubt. For this reason Paul gives us a safety device for our Christian life. Your opinion of yourself needs to have a proper perspective of the Grace that you received from God. Only consider your value from a clear understanding that, as a church, you need others.

When was the last time that you had to work with someone that clearly had a greater perspective of themselves that they should?

When is the last time that you remember giving yourself the benefit of the doubt in a situation that others could have seen differently?

How your perspective of yourself would be different when you don’t give credit to the Grace you received vs. giving credit to God for the Grace you received?

How our interpendence as a community of faith does keeps us humble in our walk?

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