Monday, April 3, 2017

Who Gave You This Authority?

April 2, 2017
Luke 20:1-8

There are two types of questions. First is the information seeking question. That would be a question like “What time is it?” The individual is truly seeking information that they do not have. The second kind is the challenging question. That is the question that is not seeking information but rather to challenge someone, like “Who do you think you are?” Jesus faced such questions from the Chief Priest and the experts of the law. Instead of answering the question, he redirected the Chief Priest and his gang. The problem was not where Jesus’ authority came from, but rather that they were losing theirs.

What was Jesus doing at the beginning of passage? What does this tell you about Jesus? How did the people see Jesus?

What motivated the Chief Priest to questioned Jesus in the matter?

Why do you think that Jesus redirects the question?

What does the thinking process of the Chief Priest tells you about him and his motivations?

How are you like the Chief Priest in this story?

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