Sunday, April 30, 2017

Searching Scriptures

April 30, 2017
2 Timothy 3:10-17

The temptation is to tell you a story of how, in the climactic moment of a crisis, I opened my Bible just in the right verse that spoke to the precise situation that I was going through. The problem is that the Bible was never intended to be used that way. The Bible is not instructional manual that teaches us how to use the latest piece of technology. The Bible is a love story that reveals the character of God and our relationship to God. As we find our place in that story, we are then rebuked, corrected and trained in the righteousness of God. The Bible demands our consistent humbleness as we respond to a living God that loves us.

What role did the Bible had in your life as a child?

What is the basic assumption made by verses 10-13? How is our world similar to the conditions described by Paul?

How Paul expected Timothy’s knowledge of Scripture to help him as a Christian?

How is teaching, rebuking, correcting and training similar? How are they different?

How have you experience teaching, rebuking, correcting or training through scriptures?

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