Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Aren’t You The Messiah?

April 9, 2017
Luke 23:35-43

Two criminals are paying for their crimes. There is no question that their punishment is just. Clearly, both of them committed the crimes that brought them to the cross. One hurled insults at Jesus, yelling: “Aren’t you the messiah?” Sarcastically, he asks Jesus to “save” him.  The other criminal recognizes the person of Christ and, even in the midst of extreme pain, asks for mercy. Same situation and same place, one will be in paradise and the other does not. Again, they are both clearly guilty, so what is the difference? One rejects the identity of Christ and the other embraces the identity of Christ.

Have you ever taken a position on an issue despite the fact that seemingly everyone is against you? What did that felt like?

The crowd asked vehemently for Jesus to be put to death under the leadership of the rulers. Read verse 35. The crowd now stands quiet while the rulers scream insults at Jesus. What change? Why do you think that the crowd changed their minds?

What is the significance of the statement “this is the king of the jews” above Jesus’ head?

How is humanity like these two criminals?

With which criminal do you identify the most? Why?

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