Sunday, April 2, 2017

Who Do You Say I Am?

March 26, 2017
Luke 9:18-24

According to the dictionary “turning point” is a point at which a significant change occurs. This is clearly a “turning point” in the Gospel of Luke, especially when it comes to the relationship between Jesus and his disciples. This is the first time that the “Who is?” question is asked not by a person challenging Jesus or the disciples but rather by Jesus himself. Nine chapters into the story, Jesus turns to his disciples and point blank asks them: “Who do you say I am?” The disciples had gone far enough into the journey just following, now was time for really evaluating their position. We are no different. “Who do you say I am?”

Tell us about a “turning point” in a relationship to a person close to you. How did this turning point change your relationship for better or worse?

How do you think that the disciples felt at the moment of hearing this question?

How would you answer that question today? Why?

How would you have reacted to journey ahead that Jesus is describing in verse 22?

What you have been forced to give up because you are a follower of Christ?


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