Sunday, April 30, 2017

Buscando las Escrituras

30 de Abril del 2017
2 Timoteo 3:10-17

La tentación es contarles una historia de cómo, en el momento culminante de una crisis, abrí mi Biblia en el versículo correcto que hablaba de la situación exacta por la que estaba atravesando. El problema es que la Biblia nunca tuvo la intención de ser usada de esa manera. La Biblia no es un manual instructivo que nos enseña cómo usar la última pieza de tecnología. La Biblia es una historia de amor que revela el carácter de Dios y nuestra relación con Dios. Cuando encontramos nuestro lugar en esa historia, entonces somos reprendidos, corregidos y entrenados en la justicia de Dios. La Biblia exige nuestra humildad constante cuando respondemos a un Dios vivo que nos ama.

¿Qué papel tuvo la Biblia en su vida de niño?

¿Cuál es la suposición básica hecha por los versículos 10-13? ¿Cómo es nuestro mundo similar a las condiciones descritas por Pablo?

¿Cómo Pablo esperaba que el conocimiento de Timoteo sobre las Escrituras lo ayudara como cristiano?

¿Cómo es la enseñanza, la reprensión, la corrección y la formación similares? ¿En qué se diferencian?

¿Cómo has experimentado enseñar, reprender, corregir o entrenar a través de las escrituras?

Searching Scriptures

April 30, 2017
2 Timothy 3:10-17

The temptation is to tell you a story of how, in the climactic moment of a crisis, I opened my Bible just in the right verse that spoke to the precise situation that I was going through. The problem is that the Bible was never intended to be used that way. The Bible is not instructional manual that teaches us how to use the latest piece of technology. The Bible is a love story that reveals the character of God and our relationship to God. As we find our place in that story, we are then rebuked, corrected and trained in the righteousness of God. The Bible demands our consistent humbleness as we respond to a living God that loves us.

What role did the Bible had in your life as a child?

What is the basic assumption made by verses 10-13? How is our world similar to the conditions described by Paul?

How Paul expected Timothy’s knowledge of Scripture to help him as a Christian?

How is teaching, rebuking, correcting and training similar? How are they different?

How have you experience teaching, rebuking, correcting or training through scriptures?

Sunday, April 23, 2017

The Need for the Means of Grace

April 23, 2017
Acts 2:40-47

In barely three chapters into the Bible, humanity goes from afternoon strolls in the garden, hand in hand with God, to immaturely hiding behind a tree thinking of ways that we could blame someone else (Genesis 3:8). Our very humanity was eviscerated, becoming just an unrecognizable facsimile of what we once were. The actions of Adam and Eve had drastic consequences as humanity inherited a persistent propensity toward sin. To understand the role and significance of the means of Grace in our lives, we must first understand the gravity of our predicament. You were terminally ill by sin and the means of Grace is a time-honored reliable ways of receiving the spiritual medicine we so desperately need.

Did you hated taking medicine as a child? How your parents would get you to take it?

Even when we accept the effects of sins in our society, why is it so hard at time to admit our own sinful nature?

Which one of the means of Grace do you use the most? Which one of the means of Grace do you use the least?

How would your life be different if you were engaging on a regular basis with these means of Grace?