Sunday, March 14, 2021

Extravagant Worship

March 14, 2021
Mary poured an expensive perfume at Jesus' feet as an act of worship. Mary's act of worship was pure ... passionate ... royal ... expensive ... and extravagant. He touched the heart of Jesus. Jesus knew he was heading to the cross, and Mary's act of worship was a blessing to him. The coronation of Jesus would be with the cross as a throne and thorns as a crown. Mary, in her gratitude, is anointing Jesus as so many other kings had been in the past.
What's the most outrageous act of worship you've ever witnessed? Explain.
What do you think is going through Mary's mind as she pours the perfume at Jesus' feet? How do you think she feels right now?
How would you have reacted to Judas's words at that time? Would you have agreed or disagreed with Judas?
What do you think Jesus meant by his words? How would you have reacted to these words if you were Maria? Judas?
How can you pour out your love for Jesus extravagantly, in a way that spreads the beautiful fragrance of Jesus where you are?

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