Sunday, March 21, 2021


March 21, 2021

Matthew 26:14-16

The betrayal of Judas was no accident. Judas planned it with premeditation after feeling justified for his actions in light of his frustrations with Jesus. From Judas’s perspective, Jesus was taking too long to take down the Romans. Understanding why Judas betrayed Jesus is key to understanding how he serves as a warning to us today. How many times do we “sell” Jesus with the decisions that we make? What are our reasons?

What is your favorite (or most disliked) villain while growing up? Why? 

Think about this from Judas’ perspective. Why did he betray Jesus? What do you think about his possible reasons? 

What is the danger of thinking about Judas as someone completely different from us? 

What elements of your life are completely against Jesus’ values?

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