Thursday, July 23, 2020

Where One Eats, Two Can Eat. . .

July 19, 2020

Mark takes the time to tell us that Jesus saw the people as “sheep without a shepherd.” His heart was moved by compassion. Jesus saw them hopelessly lost in need of direction. The disciples saw the same people, at the same time, but they saw them as a problem. The theology of Jesus and the practical instincts of the disciples clash with each other. They are hungry and we got no food. Those were the facts. That was the reality. Sending the masses home would have been the more prudent thing to do.  Feeding this massive amount of people would have taken a year’s wages. Nonetheless, in order for our hearts to be moved by what moves God, we got to see people the way that Jesus saw them. In order for God to do what He wants in us, we must count, not on our own resources, but on God’s resources. Yet despite all the limitations that disciples so clearly displayed, Jesus chooses to meet the needs of the crowd through them.

If you were to see your neighborhood as “sheep without shepherd,” what would be the first aspect of your perspective to change?

Imagine that you were one of the disciples at the time of these events, what would have been your honest take on the situation?

Why do you think that Jesus insists on meeting the needs of the crowds through these unbelieving disciples?

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